[SERVICE DESK - Tips & Tricks]: Login & Ways to Submit a ticket

NYKSYPL Service Desk is now LIVE!!

SolarWinds Service Desk is a web-based automated ticketing systems solution that helps NYKSYPL team manage your IT support requests. You can use Service Desk to submit support requests, view and update your tickets as needed. 

Ways to submit a ticket

You can submit a HELPDESK ticket using any of the following methods:

Using the Service Desk web portal: https://marubeniamerica.samanage.com/login

By Emailhelpdesk@marubeni.com   

If none of above 2 options are available,          

By Telephone: +1 (212) 450-0694 (Not available while we telecommute)     

The most efficient and direct way to enter your request is through the Service Desk web Portal.

Login to Service Desk Portal

  1. Go to https://marubeniamericacorporation.samanage.com/login

  2. Login using your Marubeni email address

    • If this is your very first time accessing the Service Desk Portal, don’t worry because your account already exists, click Forgot Password to receive a reset link via email. Click HERE to access guide.

Create a ticket using the Service Desk Portal

The New Ticket menu on the Service Portal (https://marubeniamericacorporation.samanage.com/login) will allow you to create a new support request ticket.

After searching the FAQ and Solutions menu, if you are unable to find the answers you are looking for,  you can log an incident to request help from NYKSYPL Team. 

  1. Login to Service Desk Portal (https://marubeniamericacorporation.samanage.com/login

  2. Click New Ticket tab

  3. Enter Subject

  4. Enter Description of the issue (attach images if necessary by clicking Attach Files)

To ensure time efficient resolution, please provide as much information as possible in the New ticket window.  This decreases back and forth correspondence. 

5. Click Create New Ticket when done to submit it. 

For more information regarding Service Desk, click HERE to view user guide.