Click this button or go to below URL.
Click Continue
If this page is shown, input below and sign in.
Password :
Same as e-mail/VDI password
Folder Name | Example | Purpose |
#X_LoginID | #X_1234A5 | Your dedicated folder. (Other user cannot access.) |
#U_TeamName | #U_SYPL | Your team's shared folder. Team member can access and can invite another people to any folder under this folder. |
#OP_TFName | #OP_ProjectA | Your task force or another team's shared folder. Team member can access and can invite another people to any folder under this folder. |
Other Name | Meeting_2017 | The folder that you are invited by other user. |
1. Basic Operation
Explains basic operations such as how to access, how to upload files, how to edit files in Box, how to share/collaborate, etc..
2. Full user guide
3. Box Free Account
To share the box file with the person who are not Marubeni employee
Box for Office lets you open, edit and save files in BOX directly from Microsoft Office programs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. Please refer below manual for the details.
If the option to open with MS Office in Box is grayed out or not available or if you get unsupported file type error, restart Box Edit following these steps:
Unsupported file type Error:
1. Right-click Box Edit icon from the System Tray then click Quit.
2. Click the Start button and enter C:\Program Files (x86)\Box\Box Edit\Box Edit.exe on the search line and hit Enter
3. Refresh the browser and try to open your document again.
For Office:
*These procedures are for Excel, but they apply to Outlook, Word, and Powerpoint.
1. Go to File
2. Click Options
3. Click Add-ins
4. Select COM Add-ins from the drop-down menu
5. Click GO
6. Check the box for Box.Excel.addin
7. Click OK
Once the add-in has been enabled, you will see the Box for Office icons on the Ribbon.
For Adobe:
*These procedures are for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, but they apply to other Adobe Acrobat software.
Box For outlook keeps asking me to upload to box instead of letting me attach files directly to my email
We recommend you use Box and links to Box to avoid overloading your Outlook inbox with attachments, which would reduce Outlook speed. If you really need to stop this prompt instead of hitting cancel, you can go to Home > Box > Settings and select “Never”.
how to change language and time zones
You can change your time zone or language in Box via Account Settings.
Changing the Time Zone
Sign into your Box account
Click your initials in the top-right corner to open the Account Menu.
Click Account Settings.
The Account tab should open by default. Locate the General Options section.
Select your preferred timezone from the pulldown menu under Time Zone.
Be sure to click Save Changes in the top right to save your settings.
Changing the Language
Sign into your Box account
Click your initials in the top-right corner to open the Account Menu.
Click Account Settings.
The Account tab should open by default. Locate the General Options section.
Select your preferred language from the pulldown menu under Language.
Be sure to click Save Changes in the top right to save your settings.
File version control
Once you’ve completed the upload, you’ll see a version icon next to the file name.
This icon shows you how many previous versions of the file are saved. If you click the icon, you’ll see the older versions, can download them or make an older version the most current one. When you delete an older version of this file, the deleted version is retained as determined by the trash policy for your Marubeni Box account. You cannot restore a deleted version after the trash policy's expiration date.
how to lock file for editing
When you need to make changes to a file and want to prevent other users from getting to it while you work:
1) Select the file you wish to edit
2) Click the ellipsis button
3) Select Lock
4) Set Lock Duration time from the dropdown menu
You can also disable download while file is locked by checking the option Disable download
how to add comments to a file
Comments provide a powerful way to drive discussion around content in your Box account. Use comments to request feedback from others, make notes to yourself, notify others of updates to a file, and a variety of other social interactions.
You can leave comments on a file from the preview screen.
To leave a comment:
Click on a file's name to open it in preview.
Type your comment in the comment box at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
Click Post to add your comment.
When you enter a comment, all collaborators who have notifications enabled will receive an email.
Use @-mentions to notify a specific colleague. To tag a collaborator with an @-mention:
Start your message with the @ symbol and type the name of the person you wish to notify. Their name displays in blue.
Box sends an email to the person you tagged. In addition, they receive a message in their Box account.
Your comment also displays in the file on which you’ve commented. This gives context for others coming to work with this information.
how to create a new folder
The folder: It’s your Box account’s basic building block, where you’ll group similar files together.
Follow the steps below to create a new folder:
Click New, and from the menu that displays click New Folder. The Create a New Folder dialog box displays.
Enter the folder name.
(Optional) To enable others to access this folder, enter the email addresses of each person to whom you want to grant access. Use a comma between each email address.
To control others' level of access – for example, whether you want people to be able to make changes to folder contents or just to view files – click the Permission down arrow and select the appropriate role (co-owner, editor, viewer, and so on) for the level of access you want to assign.
If you're uncertain as to what each role is capable of, click Learn More to display a graph that matches the roles with their capabilities.
For more information, see Understanding Folder Permissions.
Need folders inside the first one? To create sub-folders, just click the top-level folder to open it, and repeat the steps above.
navigation your account
Once your files are in Box it’s easy to access them wherever you are. Box’s familiar, intuitive design makes it simple to navigate your account, and you’ve also got three slick shortcuts at your disposal: the Search tool, Jump to Folder and the Updates view.
If you’re looking for a certain file – or even a certain word or phrase within a file – jump right to it with the Search tool. Just pop your query into the search bar at the top of your page.
Box will search the titles of your files and folders as well as the body of your documents. Receive too many results? Simply apply some filters. You can sort by folder, file type, date, content type, and owner.
Folder Tree
If you want to get to a folder quickly, use the Folder Tree tool. Simply click the dropdown menu next to All Files to access your entire folder structure and be taken directly there.
On this page, you’ll see what files and folder have been recently updated in your Box account. To view recent updates click Recents in the left side bar.