Phishing vs Spam: What is the difference?

While there are many tools in place to filter and block a large volume of phishing or spam emails, some of these messages may be still delivered to your inbox. Please make sure you understand the difference between a spam and phishing email and how to handle each type of message.

What is spam?

Spam is unsolicited and unwanted junk email sent out in bulk to a wholesale recipient list. Typically, spam is sent for commercial purposes. Oftentimes spam messages are from a company trying to sell you something. However, spam email can also contain a malicious attempt to gain access to your computer, so email security becomes an important defense.


Examples of Spam:

®    Advertising (retailers, dating sites, online pharmacies, gambling)

®    Get rich quick schemes (You've Won!, Claim your prize)

®    Hoax virus warnings

®    Chain emails


Received a Spam Email?

If a spam email message is delivered to your inbox, you can block the sender by adding it to the Block Senders list. Click HERE for instructions.

If you are not sure if it’s spam or phishing, please report it to us by using Phish Alert Button (see below for instruction) for further analysis.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a common type of cyber-attack that everyone should learn about to protect themselves. Phishing attacks are fraudulent communications that appear to come from a reputable source. The goal is to trick the recipient into giving away sensitive data or to install malware in the form of spyware on the victim's system.


Examples of Phishing:

®    Request personal information

®    Direct users to open a link or unexpected attachment

®    Verify account information and/or password

®    Convey a sense of urgency


Received a Phish Email?

If you received a message that you believe is phishing, use the Phish Alert button in Outlook to report it.

Upon clicking, the email will be deleted from your inbox and forwarded to MAC Systems Planning Team (NYKSYPL) for analysis immediately.
Here is additional information about the Phish Alert Button that may be helpful:  How do I Use the Phish Alert Button in Outlook?
By using this new button, you will help us to keep our organization safe and defend against cyber-attacks.