How to access your Virtual Desktop from your private computer (outside of office)
Download Omnissa Horizon Client (formerly known as VMware Horizon Client) from this link: Omnissa website
Click Download Now. Launch what you downloaded.
Click Agree & Install (or Agree & Upgrade if you have a previous version).
It will install/upgrade automatically.
Click Finish. If any error, please contact and specify it is for your personal PC.
Click Restart Now. If you do not, you must remember to restart before the next step.
Launch Omnissa Horizon Client from the desktop shortcut.
Click Add Server.
Enter the server name, then click Connect.
Enter User Name and Password and then click Login.
If this dialog is shown, please check "Do not show this dialog again" and click "Deny"
Enter your code for DUO. What is displayed will vary per individual. Please read and enter the number associated with your desired option or the 6-digit code displayed on your DUO app.
4.Double-click on NCSA-VM# icon to login into your VDI.
When you want to finish your task, move your cursor over to the top of the screen to show the control tab, and click [X].
If you receive "The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect." or “Error: An SSL error occurred.” error after entering server name:
Follow below steps to disable the certificate verification.
Click Settings on your VMware/Omnissa Horizon Client. Location/icon may vary per version.
Click Security or SSL Configuration. Expression my vary per version.
Set Certificate checking mode to Do not verify server identity certificates.
Log in again.
(Note) If you cannot (not allowed to) install this client, you can still access to virtual desktop using a web browser.
After logging on to the portal,, you can connect to your computer (virtual desktop).
In web browser, go to login with your VDI ID/PW.
Click your computer (the Desktop icon starts with "NCSA-VMxxxx").